zsh: command not found: mysql

zsh: command not found: mysql

3 min read 15-03-2025
zsh: command not found: mysql

The error message "zsh: command not found: mysql" arises when your Z shell (zsh) can't locate the MySQL client program. This usually means MySQL isn't installed, the installation is faulty, or your system's PATH environment variable isn't configured correctly. This guide will walk you through troubleshooting and resolving this issue.

Understanding the Error

Before diving into solutions, let's understand why this error occurs. The "command not found" message indicates that your operating system can't find an executable file named mysql in the directories specified by your PATH environment variable. This variable tells your shell where to look for commands. If MySQL isn't installed or its location isn't listed in your PATH, you'll get this error.

Troubleshooting Steps

Here's a systematic approach to resolving the "zsh: command not found: mysql" error:

1. Verify MySQL Installation

  • Check for MySQL: The first step is to confirm if MySQL is actually installed on your system. The method varies based on your operating system.

    • Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian): Open your terminal and run dpkg -l | grep mysql. If MySQL is installed, you'll see related packages listed. Alternatively, you can use which mysql which should provide the path to the MySQL client if it is properly installed and in your PATH.
    • macOS (using Homebrew): Run brew list mysql. This will list installed packages.
    • Windows: Check your Control Panel or use the Windows search bar to look for "MySQL."
  • Reinstall if Necessary: If MySQL isn't installed or you suspect a corrupted installation, reinstalling is the next step. Follow the official MySQL installation guide for your operating system. Choose the appropriate version for your needs. Be sure to carefully follow instructions during installation.

2. Check your PATH Variable

Even if MySQL is installed, the mysql command might not be accessible if it's not in your PATH.

  • Display your PATH: In your terminal, type echo $PATH. This will show the directories your shell searches for commands.

  • Verify MySQL's location (if installed): If you know MySQL is installed (from the previous step), you'll need to find its location. You might find it in /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, or a similar directory (this location will vary depending on how you installed MySQL and your operating system).

  • Add MySQL's Directory to your PATH: If the MySQL directory isn't in your PATH, you need to add it. The method for doing this depends on your shell and operating system, but generally involves modifying your shell configuration file.

    • For zsh (most common): Open your ~/.zshrc file using a text editor (like nano ~/.zshrc or vim ~/.zshrc). Add the MySQL directory to your PATH using something similar to:

      export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin" # Replace with the actual path

      Save and close the file. Then run source ~/.zshrc to apply the changes.

    • For bash: Edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file similarly, adding the MySQL bin directory to your PATH using export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/mysql/bin".

    • For other shells: Consult the documentation for your specific shell to learn how to modify the PATH variable.

3. Restart your terminal

After modifying your .zshrc or other shell configuration file, restart your terminal session for the changes to take effect. This ensures the new PATH is loaded.

4. Verify the Installation and Permissions

  • Permissions: Make sure the mysql executable has the correct execution permissions. You can check with the command ls -l /path/to/mysql/bin/mysql (replace /path/to/mysql/bin/ with the actual path). If it does not have execute permission, run chmod +x /path/to/mysql/bin/mysql to fix this.

5. Check for Multiple MySQL Installations

You might have multiple versions of MySQL installed. Ensure you're using the correct client. Consider using the full path to the mysql command, like /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql. If this works, then you know the problem was simply with the PATH not being set correctly.


The "zsh: command not found: mysql" error is usually easily resolved by confirming MySQL's installation and properly configuring your system's PATH environment variable. By following these steps, you can get your MySQL client running smoothly again. Remember to replace placeholder paths with the actual paths on your system. If you're still encountering problems, provide more details about your operating system and how you installed MySQL for more specific assistance.

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